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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Well its Saturday and that means...Highs and Lows linky :)

School is in full swing now and man is it fun. My group this year is so entertaining and motivated to learn. It's really awesome. Of course it is also extremely busy. In the first few weeks we have already conquered our first fire drill (my kids were in related arts!), completed our MAP assessments for the beginning of the year, and our extended days have begun! Whewwwww! We have such interesting jobs!


But on to my favorite linky from A First for Everything
This week was pretty smooth overall. I was able to wear a lot of my cute new outfits and that always makes things better right?
My students are getting used to our procedures in the room and I can see a lot of learning and collaboration going.
They are also showing excellent behavior choices. We have been getting tons of compliments which means we've been earning a prize almost every week! This week we had mini cupcakes :)

I straightened my hair. On a whim really but I wanted to see how long it had grown.

Clearly not a salon straightening but I was able to see some length :) I thought I'd only keep it straight for a day or two but I actually wore all week. I plan on washing it later this morning and hope my curls pop right back up! fingers crossed
I had my first on campus grad class of the semester and I went in the wrong classroom....twice!
I sent my boyfriend this pic like "I've never seen a grad class so full!" Then a professor I previously had walked in! haha been there, done that, whoops. Turns out I was in  211, not 210. But when I went to 210, it was still the wrong room! The professor informed me the grad class was moved to 402. I FINALLY made it to 402 and settled in for a 4 hour class....
It wasn't unbearable but come on man 4 hours! After a school day?? Oh my goodness
But I survived! And I don't have class every Wednesday thank goodness! I usually go to yoga on Wednesdays and I needed it this week!
How was your week? Leave a  comment or link up and share. Have a fun, restful weekend!


Saturday, August 16, 2014

School's in session!

Whew!!!! I am pooped! This past week was our first full week and man oh man it wore me out! Here's a few pics of my room before the lovelies got there..
I loved linking up with A First For Everything for her high and low linky so here we go again :)
My first week was exhausting but fun! I currently have 17 little smiling faces hangin out with me everyday!
We had a great first week. They loved the Jitter Juice

(The Back to School Bead Glyph activity is available in my store! )
They love to learn!! I know all students have potential but these kiddos have said many times in the past week how much they loveee reading, science, math, etc. We've been doing some great work already! Our Read to Self stamina is up to 14 minutes!
I won a teacher shirt from Mrs. Labrasciano 's  giveaway! I love following her blog and instagram and was so excited when I saw that I won! I loved posting about my favorite things and linking up, winning that shirt was an awesome bonus and highlight to my week!
I've said it at least twice but I'll say it again, I am tiredddddddd! This past week was our first full week and my body has not yet adjusted. We also began our extended days this week which now run Monday - Thursday. And Friday we had our Back to School Bash that both my boyfriend and I volunteered at. Whew!! Hopefully next week won't be as busy :) but I'm excited to get back in the room and make some learning magic happen!
Hope you all had an awesome week as well!

Monday, August 4, 2014

A few of my favorite things.....

How could I not join in with Mrs. Labrasciano for her back to school linky? It's such a fun topic posting about some of my favorite teacher goodies. Its' even cooler to read other teachers sharing their faves and being able to enter an awesome giveaway! Be sure to head over there and check it out.


And hurray for finding my old digital camera to take all these pics! Hah I really dug it up to use in the classroom but I had to test it out so....(:

First off is my brand new beautiful lunch box! Just came in the mail today!! Eek :) I ordered it from a company called "Script and Scribble" and it was delivered super fast. I can't wait to use it this year.

Next up: my sparkly binder and my beautiful Erin Condren planner. It's my second year using an EC Teacher planner and it makes planning fun! It also keeps me organized and I'm also receiving compliments on it!

To assist in all that planning it helps to have some Flair pens (: . I love making things bright. I've also seen teachers using washi tape in amazing ways. I've just started it but I love how it makes things even cuter!

Gotta have a cute coffee cup right? This one was a Christmas gift from my parents :)

My handy dandy laminator! My mom got this one for me during my first year of teaching. (She got it from her job with the military so I'm not sure where to buy this exact model) It is so convenient to have one at home! I can just laminate whenever I feel like it, including times when I'm sitting on the floor on a Sunday watching a football game haha

My Thirty-One teacher bag is essential. My awesome coordinating teacher bought this (and a pencil bag and lunch box) during my student teaching! I was so happy I cried when she gave them to me! The lunchbox has bit the dust since then hence the new one but all the rest of it is still hanging in there! :)

And last but not least....my awesome Frixion erasable pens and markers. I'm a perfectionist so I love being able to erase if I make a mistake. That really comes in handy during planning when you have to change lesson plans.
Do we have some of the same favorites? Comment and let me know! Or link up and share your own teacher favorites. Thanks for reading and have a great week!
Oh and stock up on some of your favorite items on TPT! There's a sale going on!!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Highs and Lows

Another lovely Saturday! The last Saturday of semi- freedom. We started PD days yesterday and students report August 7th! Ahhh! I can't wait to meet my new little ones though. And get another year underway.

It's been a while since I joined in on a linky and I found a great one thanks to A First for Everything

Well Wednesday started off great when I woke up to find out I had sold my first product on TPT! I have tons of freebies but I just started uploading paid items a few months ago. I must admit I was getting a little discouraged, all my items were under $3 and I hadn't sold a thing! But getting that one little sale really motivated me. Makes me want to create more but with the school year swiftly approaching we'll see how that goes! Either way I was super excited!!
Also I'll be participating in the "Blast Off Back to School" sale! So if you didn't get a chance to stop by my store come visit on the 4th or 5th and get 20% off my store!

Another high that occurred this week was my babe and I rocking out at "Monumentour" which was a Paramore and Fall Out Boy concert. I loveeeeeee me some Paramore and my guy is a major fan of Fall Out Boy. We had a blast!
Then of course I had to drag him to IKEA lol needed a few things for the house and classroom. The other pics were from our hotel which was awesome! And I had chicken and waffles for the first time @ Gladys Knight's. Overall a great way to kick off my year.


Okay, one more! Lol I have a lot to be thankful for this week! My baldy (aka my dad) has OFFICIALLY retired from the Army after 29 years!! I am so proud of him and happy that he is home safe and sound!

Now here's the tough part... trying to think of a low...
Truly its tough to think of one. But if I had to pick, the only low that comes to mind is the sad end to my days of sitting on the couch watching Sex and the City reruns. And my freedom to take midday naps. But it makes that time all the more special when it rolls around every summer!
Hope you all are having a great weekend.
Don't forget to stop by my TPT store for the sale. I've got an ad on my page that will take you right to it!