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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sunday Scoop, Science and a Surprise !

Well if you follow me on any other social media you already know my surprise but....
 I'm Engaged!

My amazing boyfriend is now my fiance!! I'm so excited to be his Mrs. and to plan a wedding but man I am already beginning to see what a task that can be! Any advice appreciated lol

In other news I wanted to do the Sunday Scoop Linky since its been a while.

I promise it seems like I just did laundry and already the basket is filling again. To be honest I don't think we've put all the clean clothes up from a week or two ago...don't judge lol

I'm currently on fall break but it doesn't mean a break from everything. I plan to try and get ahead with that hw so it doesn't sneak up on me. And speaking of school its time to apply for my Spring graduation! :)

So since I'm engaged we’ve been looking at venues in our area. Since I'm off this week I plan to do some calling and researching. Its exciting! And of course I'm trying to sleep in. Even trying to convince the fiance to take a day off with me lol

And I surely don't mind staring at my new accessory all day! I'm still addicted to having such a beauty on my hand each day. And I feel so blessed to have found my person!

And just a little #sciencefun before I sign off 
This week we reviewed matter and did a few more hands on experiments thanks to the influence of my latest TDG Science PD day.

We started the week by exploring different materials to determine the properties of solids and liquids.

Later in the week we added solid skittles to liquids like hand sanitizer, mouthwash and water. We predicted what would happen then recorded our results.

Last we explored various solids and changed their shape (broke crayons, popsicle sticks, and Styrofoam cups) to determine if they would remain a solid. Most of them predicted no! Lol good ol first graders

But that's a bit of a catch up for now. Have a great week!