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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hello New Opportunity

I started this summer like any other; making to do lists, devouring books I wanted to read during the school year, etc. But I had an itch to look for something more.

Fast forward  to about a week ago...

I saw a job posting for a math coach position in my county. I absolutely love math and have my instructional coaching certificate. However, I was also lined up to be grade level chair again next year and had a lot of other things I was looking forward to at my current school. I applied and prayed on it. Well the day after I applied I was contacted for an interview and a day after that I was offered a job! I was so excited, but also a little torn. I have wanted to try coaching since 2016 when I got my certificate. But my team! My future kiddos! The struggle :/

Based on the title of the post I'm sure you can tell, I accepted the position. It just felt right. The timing worked out. My principal was so kind and helpful, my new principals seems awesome. I have a lot to look forward to and some new challenges to prepare for. This new position means no students of my own, a different type of daily schedule, far more interaction with adults & much more.

I am looking forward to how this will grow and develop my skills as a teacher & instructional leader. Stay tuned for the journey and please provide any and all tips!! Thanks!