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Saturday, April 4, 2015

April's Currently and my Disney Spring Break :)

Well this was supposed to be a book study post since I've been the worst at keeping up with them lately. But see what had happened was...(lol) I read up to Chapter 8 and noticed today's post was about 9 and 10. I'll catch back up...just wont be right this second!  So instead I'll do one of my favorite linkys, Currently by Farley

Let's just pause to admire how cute this layout is!!
To good ol Saturday morning cartoons. I am so thankful to be home on the couch with my little family drinking coffee and enjoying this last little bit of Spring Break.
The weather is amazing outside lately. I thought I'd be instantly missing Florida weather but TN has given me a pretty decent welcome back (not counting the pouring rain last night)
About how hard it will be to wake up Monday. This break has been amazing but Monday is creeping around the corner. Lately I've been trying to rid myself of the "Oh Crap it's Monday" syndrome, its all about perception people! But this Monday may be a slight exception lol
To go back to Disney!!!! Omg it is truly a magical place! I had the greatest time. And I have already decided I willlllll be back!

To do some lesson plans eventually...just not that motivated yet!
Eggs-plain my name:
I have always taught 1st grade (currently in my 3rd year). Even when I student taught I knew 1st grade was my favorite. I want to experience other grades eventually but 1st is where my heart is!
Well thanks for catching up with me. Feel free to comment, especially if you share my love of Disney World! Have a great weekend!