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Monday, December 29, 2014

And just like that the year is almost gone!

I cannot believe it is already the end of December! I have been wanting to blog more but also wanting to maintain my sanity with school, grad school, a life etc..

But to update, the semester came to a nice close with a fun Polar Express Day! We have also been loving the assistance of our student teacher!

With my grad school classes I finished the semester with 2 A's :) and I have registered for my next set of classes. I will be finished next December! (Speaking it into existence!)
With my life in general things have been swell and I am THOROUGHLY enjoying this break! I've been blessed to have some family time and some lazy time. And we had a very Merry Christmas :)
But anyways..
As I prepare to look ahead and make some New Year's Resolutions I wanted to reflect back over some goals I set at the beginning of the school year.
I have been continuing my yoga but I haven't been going to classes as often as I'd like. I have a student data binder now but it still is not implemented as fully as it could be. The lesson plan goal has been accomplished (yay!). I haven't been able to attend any conferences yet but I'm still looking. Proudly, my student centered goal has shown some progress. My students are very self motivated and have been learning a lot! And that verse has been a pleasant reminder throughout the year.
Hmm.. some improvements but I still have a way to go. Good thing I'm a work in progress! Definitely some things to keep in mind as I move forward.    
Well in appreciation for any readers out there here's a link to a flash freebie in my store until tomorrow. Please download my math game and let me know what you think!