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Monday, January 19, 2015

Checking in once again!

Can't believe I'm posting so soon! It's only because we have had today off in honor of Martin Luther King Day. I'm looking forward to reading about him and discussing his accomplishments with my firsties tomorrow. I wanted to post over the weekend but for some reason the pictures from my phone hadn't uploaded to the "cloud". Fixed that. So here's a few snapshots from the room.
We've been studying various American symbols and creating a class PowerPoint Presentation. Maybe I can post it when we finish!
Both of these are adorable ideas our team borrowed from The First Grade Parade !
Then we made cloud books!
(This last pic is from an earlier lesson about the water cycle I wanted to share)
We also enjoyed some wintry poetry, creating penguins and cheering a classmate on at the annual "Pig Race"!
Fun times in the classroom for sure. All the more reason I love my job.
Pair that with the "Snow Day" we had Friday (although there was no snow, just tons of ice!) making this a 4 day weekend...pretty sure I'm loving my job right now hah! And coming soon...our 100th Day Celebration. I've been seeing some awesome ideas among bloggers :).
Well enjoy your evening teacher friends! And have a great week!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

My 1st Sunday Scoop of the year :)

Happy Sunday guys!
Linking up with the Teachingtrio for the Sunday scoop :)
So here's mine
That laundry has been clean and sitting in the laundry room for at least 3 days, probably longer. It just keeps falling to the bottom of the list. We are usually really good at meal planning but have been slipping lately and it shows every time we have the "What's for dinner?" discussion haha. So I've added my meal planning freebie at the bottom if ya want. I planned out my outfits a few times last semester and it really helped in the morning so I'm gonna try to get back on that!
 I try to assess sight words at least 3 times a year and I'm halfway done with my mid-year testing. I really want to finish by Monday (since we have extended days). And I'm trying to get ahead in my grad school classes by getting at least 2 assignments done this weekend.
It's wayyy more fun to plan for the week in my colorful EC planner. I've really gotten into adding stickers and washi tape and stickers everywhere. I'm all about being organized!
Thanks for reading. Now head over to their blog so you can link up too! It's pretty easy!
And if you'd like here's a copy of the meal planning chart we use here at the house. I laminated it and you could add a magnet on the back and stick it to the fridge. Then you can use a dry -erase marker or a sharpie (erases with a magic eraser). Enjoy!