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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Back to School!

Well I am pooped!! The beginning of the year always wipes me out but it was definitely worth it. 
Here's a little First Day pic from my 4th year :)

We had a great first few days and I already see a ton of potential with my little learners. 

We played a simple math game where students had to work with a partner to order numbers from 1-20. When they completed the task they had to stand quietly to signal that they were finished. They thought it was a race but in reality it was a perseverance exercise. Every student got a prize for completing the task. We will rely on this perseverance as we work through fun and challenging math problems this year.

Here are a few more pics of us working together in math and students reading around the room during Read to Self. We have been building stamina all week and reached 11 minutes by the end of the week. 

(Stamina chart from Amanda Myers, click for TPT store!)

We also made time Friday afternoon to complete our Back to School bead glyph activity. 

(Freebie in my store, click to check it out)

They loved learning about each other and apparently everyone LOVES math and literacy (either that or students just wanted extra beads, lol hmm...)

Last but not least, this weekend I finally had some time to grab a few items from Dollar tree, Target and Office Depot.

Also, Office Depot cut my composition notebooks in half ( I think it was .75 c for every 2 notebooks)

Now of course mine looked completely different! So I resorted to last year's technique of covering them with duct tape!

This will be our math journals to record our problem of the day. Just gotta print some labels and stick em on! 

Well back to relaxing on the blow up mattress my boyfriend and I pulled out to be lazy in the living room :) haha #backtoschoolmadness

Hope you have a great week!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Five for Friday and classroom pics!

Happy Friday y'all. Hope your week went well. Especially if you've already headed back to school. I've had some PD days but no kiddos yet! Next week we will be back at it!

Anyway linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for the 5 for Friday linky :)

So here's a recap of my week

This week began with the TPT sale which was exciting. I grabbed some goodies of course! But the highlight was waking up one morning not by my alarm but by the little "cha-ching" sound! My sales are always random but that was such a nicely timed coincidence :)

This one is silly but I got pretty decent atntwisting my air and when I took it down it was really pretty! 

My grades came in for the summer term and I got 3 A's!! Woohooooo! These classes kicked my butt, especially school law. And yet everthing turned out well and I'm one step closer to graduation!

I blogged about this earlier this week but I updated a little diy project and the classroom and I was pretty pleased with how it came out. I realize the time for these lil projects is slowly diminishing....sigh

 And last but not least I'm pretty much finished with my classroom! I included some pics below. Its pretty similar to last year but hey if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Lol I like using a theme of stars and not limiting myself to certain colors as you can  probably see. 

These letters are from the pack they gave everyone at the TPT blogger meet up!

(Click for panoramic)

Well that's all for me this week. By next week I'll have met my new kiddos! 
 Hope you have a great weekend! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tuesday Made it! lol & a Freebie :)

Hey guys. I have a Tuesday Made it for ya lol I started it yesterday but needed some extra materials so I had to finish it today. Either way I'm sharing it with you and a little freebie at the end if you'd like :)

So my task was to update this guy here..

As you can see one of my yellow labels went missing and I had to improvise. Also my pan was starting to look dingy after 2 years and  I just felt like it could use some improvements.

So I bought a new pan, slightly smaller maybe 9 x 13, and remade some labels with larger print and borders. I actually just recycled that ribbon because it was cuter than any I currently had. I hot glued the ribbon on and placed magnets on the back of the labels to attach. On the back of the cookie sheet I used 3 command strips.

By the way "Brain Boosters" are any pull outs, it can be Special Ed, ESL, Mentors, Interventionists, etc.

(ignore the magnets that need to be remade! That's the next project!)

Looks better to me though! So if you'd like a set of these labels I attached them below as a freebie. Feel free to snag and share. 

Now back to this TPT cart... we are down to hours ladies & gents make sure you take advantage of the awesome sale!

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Currently - August!

One of my latest hashtags on my Instagram has been #slowdownsummer but at this point it feels almost futile! Students report August 13th so ready or not, here they come, you can't hide.. (Sung to the Fugees melody if you know it lol)

So I'm linking up with Farley  for the oh so cute Currently linky. Did you know she also makes classroom versions? Sweet!


Last week Mr.Handsome and I did our detox week. Its just something we do from time to time to reboot. We make our own rules which include no red meat, eating out and worst of all NO COFFEE! Omg I made it but this coffee this morning is going to hit the spot.


Our weather! The temperature has finally dropped a little making it amazing. Yesterday we went on a little hike and I'm actually writing this post this morning from my porch :). I should be listening to Summer Breeze 


In service days are slowly creeping up. The school year is approaching! I'm excited to begin a new year but I always get a case of the nerves too! I'm looking forward to continuing to grow as a teacher. Its one of my current goals. Have you set any for your year yet? Post them on Instagram!


I wish I could rewind last week but with my homework already finished! Lol my work consumed me for the last week and it just felt like the most. I'm sending love to anyone else in grad school right about now. I just have to remember I'm almost finished! And it's for the kids! But man, no more budgets, essays, or audits please!


Even with all that complaining above, hey I had to vent just a little, I need to go ahead and sign up for fall classes. I will graduate in Spring so 2 semesters to go! I can do this! And if you're in school, so can you!


I love this idea! And I love the plan Farley has to drop things in the teacher mailboxes. I'd like to try that. I also wanted to send a teacher one of my products and all the necessary craft materials to complete wit their class. But I don't know how I could collect addresses and randomly send it to someone. Any ideas? If so please share! 

Well thanks for reading. Hope you've linked up as well :) Have a great week!

Oh an don't forget the TPT Back to School Sale Aug 3-4th!
My store will have some items on sale  :)