Well I am pooped!! The beginning of the year always wipes me out but it was definitely worth it.
Here's a little First Day pic from my 4th year :)
We had a great first few days and I already see a ton of potential with my little learners.
We played a simple math game where students had to work with a partner to order numbers from 1-20. When they completed the task they had to stand quietly to signal that they were finished. They thought it was a race but in reality it was a perseverance exercise. Every student got a prize for completing the task. We will rely on this perseverance as we work through fun and challenging math problems this year.
Here are a few more pics of us working together in math and students reading around the room during Read to Self. We have been building stamina all week and reached 11 minutes by the end of the week.
(Stamina chart from Amanda Myers, click for TPT store!)
We also made time Friday afternoon to complete our Back to School bead glyph activity.
They loved learning about each other and apparently everyone LOVES math and literacy (either that or students just wanted extra beads, lol hmm...)
Last but not least, this weekend I finally had some time to grab a few items from Dollar tree, Target and Office Depot.
Also, Office Depot cut my composition notebooks in half ( I think it was .75 c for every 2 notebooks)
Now of course mine looked completely different! So I resorted to last year's technique of covering them with duct tape!
This will be our math journals to record our problem of the day. Just gotta print some labels and stick em on!
Well back to relaxing on the blow up mattress my boyfriend and I pulled out to be lazy in the living room :) haha #backtoschoolmadness
Hope you have a great week!