#1 - Plan ahead
#2 - Over Plan
Similar to the beginning of the year, I tried to over plan activities so there isn't too much down time. You want to keep students busy so that there is little time for students to get off task and misbehave.
#3 - Start (back) strong
As you come into the year start off on the right foot and remind students of your rules and expectations. This can be done in a morning meeting or a little class pow wow. Take time to ensure they know how you will be running the classroom from here on out.
#4 - Let it Go
The craziness that occurred while you were gone cannot be undone. I heard plenty of stories about how my students were totally different little people in my absence. I was disappointed in some of the behavior I heard about but I knew coming in yelling at students and getting on to them wouldn't get us started on the right foot. So as hard as it was I knew I had to let the past go and start out with a clean slate.
#5 - Print Pictures
Print pictures of your baby and put them everywhere. It may seem silly but it helps! I have about 5 pictures up at any given time (I change them out frequently!) plus he's the background on my laptop. Here's a few of my faves!
What tips would you add to the list? Please share and make a teacher-mom's transition even easier!