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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Sub Plans - Because "stuff" happens

Welcome to October!
If you haven't had to use a personal day, sick day, etc. congratulations! Things happen so quickly and often in the moment, dedicated teachers end up coming in to work despite the need to do otherwise.

Having a set of sub plans available can help ease the stress and let you use the sick/ personal days you probably really need to. Below are some quick tips to help you get some sub materials together and have them ready to use.

1. Gather some easy use materials 

**Please do not mistake "easy use" as "busywork". **

I think back to a situation recently when I had to step in and teach math for a teacher on short notice. Although she planned thoroughly her plans were handwritten in a notebook and it wasn't easy for me to quickly understand and teach what I needed to. It was difficult to synthesize it all and keep students engaged simultaneously.

So back to the task at hand, gather materials for your subject (or all subjects if self-contained) that can be easily understood and used with your students.This may give a sub more time to review the schedule, plan, or just wrap their mind around all the things teachers do in a day. Be realistic too! If your special snowflakes get out of hand with scissors please don't leave multiple cut & paste activities for a substitute.

2. Plan it all out

Go ahead and make copies of things needed instead of assuming the sub will have time. Gather some ideal books if you suggest a read aloud, or pull out cubes for a math lesson if it will help keep them engaged. All of these little steps will help anyone stepping in to take care of your class. Substitutes have a variety of skills, comfort levels, etc. Help them out a little by gathering some materials and keeping them in a certain location. Also keep a list handy of helpful teachers & students the sub can rely on if needed.

3. Back ups for your back up

Many schools require sub plans to be kept in the office. Even if this is the case I always kept some back up materials in my classroom. This may seem redundant but things can happen including, but not limited to...
- office hectic and crazy and they forget to give sub your plans
- plans in office get misplaced
- plans in office get used and never returned/replenished
- sub forgets or doesn't know to ask

All of that to say, it may benefit you to keep some materials on hand in the classroom. I would also alert a nearby teacher to the location of my materials in case it was a last minute deal and I can't lay things out perfectly.

Hopefully these tips can help you gather somethings together quickly and feel more prepared in an emergency! Good luck & take that vitamin C!

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